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Writer's pictureJohn Evans

A Game of Chess and Relationships

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Again, your growth comes from the RIGHT relationships you build and the strategic moves you make along the way!

Even in the beginning I understood I needed a “WHO to do the HOW”. You don’t stop just because you hit obstacles or time becomes a factor.

In the beginning I thought “I have to take on any type of property I can buy and I need to manage any type of property that I can bring in”. BUT, what I found was not ALL business is good business.

Let me say that again - Not ALL business is GOOD business! Most times your first team you build, will not be the last team you build. Where you start is not where you will end. Do all the ugly stuff up front, so you appreciate all the good that you may not recognize when it arrives.

Once I realized this, I shed over 100 properties under management that did not fit the vision of where we were going. Then, I made a strategic move to merge with a company that would expedite growth- The Alliance Companies and found the RIGHT partner! We are building the right TEAM. There is alignment of interest across all functions of the business.

Crazy thing - We are in negotiations with a large investor that has over 200 units, all class A apartment buildings. There are 72 units under construction and they need our team to be their asset manager. We already manage a portion of their portfolio.. See- I had to shed the bad business to gain the good business!

“Changing the trajectory as time spins, is where the growth begins as it’s hard to stay in the same place as a high performer”! - THE END GAME

Pulling for you

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